Miriad mosaicing bug

A significant bug related to mosaicing (or primary beam correction) of specific recent data has been uncovered in Miriad. The bug affects data when all of the following apply: the data were observed since October 2003; mosaicing or primary beam correction of the data is important; the data has been loaded using the task atlod with a version date earlier than 23 October 2004, and the data have been split with the task uvsplit with a version date of 16 August 2004 or later. Note the version dates of atlod and uvsplit used on a dataset are recorded in the data history. The version dates of the currently installed versions are given whenever a task is executed.

The problem becomes apparent at the imaging stage.

Users are encouraged to update their version of Miriad to eliminate the bug. A simple procedure can be used to correct the problem in existing, partially reduced data.

For more information, see http://www.atnf.csiro.au/computing/at_bugs.html#Bug_27

Bob Sault (ATNF)
