The Galactic Halo Ionizing Field

J. Bland-Hawthorn, P.R. Maloney, PASA, 14 (1), 59.

Next Section: Photoionization of the Magellanic
Title/Abstract Page: The Galactic Halo Ionizing
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1

Galactic photoionization model

The emission measure tex2html_wrap_inline341 from the surface of a cloud embedded in a bath of ionizing radiation gives a direct gauge, independent of distance, of the ambient radiation field beyond the Lyman continuum (Lyc) edge (e.g., Hogan & Weymann 1979). This assumes that the covering fraction (tex2html_wrap_inline343) seen by the ionizing photons is known and that there are sufficient gas atoms to soak up the incident ionizing photons. We assume an electron temperature Ttex2html_wrap_inline345K, as expected for gas photoionized by stellar sources, for which the Case B hydrogen recombination coefficient is tex2html_wrap_inline347 cmtex2html_wrap_inline349 stex2html_wrap_inline351. At these temperatures, collisional ionization processes are negligible. In this case, the column recombination rate in equilibrium must equal the normally incident ionizing photon flux, tex2html_wrap_inline353, where tex2html_wrap_inline355 is the rate at which Lyc photons arrive at the cloud surface (photons cmtex2html_wrap_inline357 stex2html_wrap_inline351), tex2html_wrap_inline361 is the electron density and tex2html_wrap_inline363 is the column density of ionized hydrogen. The emission measure is just tex2html_wrap_inline365 where L is the thickness of the ionized region. The resulting emission measure for an ionizing flux tex2html_wrap_inline355 is then tex2html_wrap_inline371 where tex2html_wrap_inline373. For an optically thin cloud in an isotropic radiation field, the solid angle from which radiation is received is tex2html_wrap_inline375, while for one-sided illumination, tex2html_wrap_inline377. For the models we will be considering, however, tex2html_wrap_inline379 is anisotropic and tex2html_wrap_inline381 can be considerably less than tex2html_wrap_inline383.


Figure 1: An illustration of the LMC and the dominant clouds in the Magellanic Stream (Mathewson & Ford 1984). The LMC and the Stream have been projected onto the Galactic X-Z plane. We have ignored small projection errors resulting from our vantage point at the Solar Circle. The angle tex2html_wrap_inline389 is measured from the negative X axis towards the negative Z axis where tex2html_wrap_inline395 and tex2html_wrap_inline397. In reality, the orbit of the Stream lies closer to the Great Circle whose longitude is tex2html_wrap_inline399.

In order to estimate tex2html_wrap_inline355, we develop an idealized model for predicting the tex2html_wrap_inline331 emission measure at the distance of the Magellanic Stream. The ionizing stars are assumed to be isotropic emitters confined to a thin disk in the x-y plane (or the X-Y plane in Galactic Coordinates, e.g. Fig. 1). For a cloud C at position tex2html_wrap_inline411 a distance R from an arbitrary patch of the disk dA, the received flux tex2html_wrap_inline417 (in units of erg cmtex2html_wrap_inline357 stex2html_wrap_inline351 Hztex2html_wrap_inline351) from ionizing disk sources with specific intensity tex2html_wrap_inline425 through a solid angle tex2html_wrap_inline427 is
where tex2html_wrap_inline429 and
The angle tex2html_wrap_inline431 is the polar angle measured from the positive z axis through dA to the line extending from dA to C. Thus, at an arbitrary point in the galaxy halo, the ionizing photon flux from the disk (in units of photons cmtex2html_wrap_inline357 stex2html_wrap_inline351) is
for which tex2html_wrap_inline445 and dtex2html_wrap_inline447 are the surface photon density and brightness, respectively, within each disk element dA.

For the opaque disk model, the patch dA is observed through the intervening disk interstellar medium (ISM) such that tex2html_wrap_inline453. For a disk population of OB stars, we consider an axisymmetric exponential disk with scale length tex2html_wrap_inline455, tex2html_wrap_inline457. We adopt a radial scale length of tex2html_wrap_inline459 3.5 kpc (Kent, Dame & Fazio 1991) and all integrations are performed out to 25 kpc in radius since there is some evidence for faint HII regions at these large radii (de Geus et al. 1993). Vacca et al. (1996) have compiled a list of 429 O stars within 2.5 kpc of the Sun from which they determine an ionizing surface density of tex2html_wrap_inline461 phot cmtex2html_wrap_inline357 stex2html_wrap_inline351 where tex2html_wrap_inline467 is the radius of the Solar Circle. After an exhaustive study of the literature, Reid (1993) finds tex2html_wrap_inline469 kpc. Thus, from equation (1), we derive tex2html_wrap_inline471 phot cmtex2html_wrap_inline357 stex2html_wrap_inline351.

Next Section: Photoionization of the Magellanic
Title/Abstract Page: The Galactic Halo Ionizing
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1

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