An HI selected sample of galaxies -- The HI mass function and the surface brightness distribution

Martin Zwaan, Frank Briggs and David Sprayberry, PASA, 14 (1), 117.

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Title/Abstract Page: An HI selected sample
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Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1


The lower panel of Fig. 1 shows the observed distribution of HI masses binned per half-decade, with errorbars given by Poison statistics. The HI masses were calculated from either the VLA observations, or from the Arecibo measurements if the fluxes were lower than 1.0 Jy km stex2html_wrap_inline183.

Figure 1: Lower panel: The distribution of HI masses of the detected galaxies. with errorbars given by Poison statistics. Upper panel: The thin line is the sensitivity of our survey. The measured HI mass function per half decade is shown by the points. An analytical HIMF is represented by the fat line, using the parameters given in the upper right corner. The arrows show upper limits to the volume density of HI clouds. The two measurements on the right are from a complementary survey with the Arecibo telescope over the range 19,000 to 28,000 km tex2html_wrap_inline169.

The inverse of the survey volume as a function of HI mass is indicated by the thin line in the upper panel of Fig. 1. The curve indicates the upper limit to the space density of intergalactic HI clouds without stars as a function of HI mass.

The HIMF tex2html_wrap_inline187 was determined following Schmidt's (1968) tex2html_wrap_inline189 method, which consists of summing the reciprocals of the volumes corresponding to the maximum distances to which the objects could be placed and still remain within the sample. For a survey such as the Arecibo Strip Survey, tex2html_wrap_inline191 is a complicated function, dependent on velocity width, total flux, declination offset from the center of the survey strip and feed gain, which is a function of frequency (i.e. redshift).

The solid dots in Fig. 1 show the HIMF. Briggs (1990) derived an analytical expression for tex2html_wrap_inline193 by using a Schechter luminosity function and a relation between HI richness and optical luminosity: L, tex2html_wrap_inline197, where tex2html_wrap_inline199. This function is represented by the fat solid line, using tex2html_wrap_inline201, a faint end slope tex2html_wrap_inline203 and a normalization tex2html_wrap_inline205, which is a satisfactory fit to the points. The parameters of this fit agree quite well with those of optical luminosity functions. Hence, an HI selected sample of galaxies does not yield a population of gas rich dwarf galaxies (Tyson and Scalo 1988), that might be missed by optical surveys. If a large population of underluminous galaxies does exist, they must be either HI deficient, or have extremely low column densities (tex2html_wrap_inline207).

Figure 2: Space density of HI mass contained in objects of different masses per half decade. Thin line indicates again the sensitivity of the survey.

The cosmological mass density of HI at the present epoch, tex2html_wrap_inline209, can be determined from the distribution function of HI mass in galaxies. This function is plotted in Fig. 2. The fat solid line indicates the converted best fit HI mass function, the thin line represents the sensitivity limits. The distribution function clearly illustrates that the integral HI mass density is dominated by high mass galaxies, tex2html_wrap_inline211 which are tex2html_wrap_inline213 galaxies. From this figure we derive that tex2html_wrap_inline215 or tex2html_wrap_inline217, with a statistical error of tex2html_wrap_inline219. This result agrees surprisingly well with earlier estimates by Rao and Briggs (1993), who find the same value by using optically selected galaxies. This implies that there is not much neutral gas hidden in objects like LSB galaxies or intergalactic clouds that are missed by optical surveys. The ratio of HI mass density to the critical mass density of the universe at z=0 is tex2html_wrap_inline223, consistent with a smooth decline of tex2html_wrap_inline225 from high z to the present.

Figure 3: The volume corrected surface brightness distribution of our HI selected galaxy sample. Hatched area shows the possible range of values for this distribution function. The two lines represent the upper and lower limit to the distribution proposed by McGaugh (1996). The y-axis is arbitrarily scaled.

One final result concerns the distribution of central surface brightnesses. Since this galaxy sample is selected regardless of any optical properties, it is well suited to test the distribution function of optical surface brightnesses. The hatched area in Fig. 3 indicates the possible range of values for the distribution function for the 24 galaxies observed so far. Despite the large variations due to small number statistics, it is clear that this distribution is consistent with the `flat' distribution proposed by McGaugh (1996), of which the boundaries are given by the dashed and dotted line. It is noteworthy that no galaxies observed thus far have central surface brightnesses fainter than tex2html_wrap_inline229-tex2html_wrap_inline167, even though the measurement threshold is tex2html_wrap_inline233-tex2html_wrap_inline167. We therefore appear to be observing a lower limit to the central surface brightness of gas-rich galaxies in the local universe.

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Title/Abstract Page: An HI selected sample
Previous Section: Follow up observations
Contents Page: Volume 14, Number 1

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