Minutes - CA-forum #15


      Friday 24 May, 1996;  11:00 to 12:30


venues : epping : downstairs conference room

       narrabri :




1.    Precision of stored positions (caobs/sched) - (RS, DMcK)


The problems identified by J.Reynolds last november have been rectified.


The limitation (100 msec in RA, 10 mas in DEC)

imposed by the caobs-cacor message format seems

unecessary, and can be remedied:  Caobs should send double precision,

rather than an ascii string.


>>  WEW and the Narrabri group will make the change.




2.    CACAL and the tied array  - (DMcC)


WEW recommended that this upgrade should be put on hold until the

new Tied-Array hardware is installed. (Expected in the next month or so).



3.    Antenna 4 - narrow band poln. leakage.  - (WEW/BR)


WEW and BR found a problem with the XY correlator of antenna 4.  (A cable

interchange).  The problem identified during the tied-array tests in

april has been eliminated, and antenna #4 can now be used as reference



The problem identified by RS, (the frequency-dependant polarisation

leakage problem) once thought to have the same origin is

unlikely to be related to the cabling interchange.  Bob's recent

tests (may 22) show that the problem is still present, although

now somewhat weaker.  Bob will repeat the experiment.



4.    DUTC updating from the correlator (WEW, DMcC)


WEW suggests that the correlator, which can read the Hunt-clock timeframe

should take on the responsability of distributing the Delta_UTC (number of

leap seconds) to the wider network.


>> WEW and Narrabri will look into this.


5.    Reference Pointing        - (DMcK)

        (see also :  http://wwwnar/www/operations/ref_pointing.html)


This is now available on a routine basis.  Everyone, Especially

local experts, is encouraged to make use of it.


The note on the web provides an outline of what the observer needs to do,

and what can be expected.


There are number of issues which will need to be resolved - eg, how does

one "age" the reference solution, and should one warn the observer.  These

questions are best tackled in the light of observers using the system.


Bob Sault raised the question of the pointing error algorithm in the face

of the observed C and X band beam asymetries and squints.


>> Bob will look into this.




6.    Sac Switch problems       - (DMcK, NebK)


This relates to the handling of the setting of attenuators and sampler levels

during mosaicing.  For almost all applications the machinery works adequately.

However, one experiment (CenA), is technically challenging, and poses

difficulties.  The SAC machinery was revised for this.  The machinery

is fragile in this context.


a.  If CEN A is the only experiment of this kind, then no further action

is required -- N.Killeen can improvise.


b.  Users who are concerned that they also will experience trouble

(ie, if the Tsys level varies considerably from field to field) should

consult N.Killeen or D.McConnell.


c.  If there is a real need, then substantial effort will have to be

expended, as the attenuator setting will need to be shifted to the ACC.




7.    Data Quality Observations    - (JH/RW)


- the analysis is now up to date.  JH is revising the output format -

with plots and tables that provide a better view of the array status.

These will be available on the web

(http://wwwnar.atnf.csiro.au/www/operations/dqo/dqo.html  and references



- Jim Higdon is processing the blank field now that a dozen or so

images have been observed, in order to obtain the deep averaged field.

This will provide an indication of what will be achievable for comparison

with the Hubble blank field experiment.


- The HST have a short list of 8 Blank field candidates,

shortly to be pruned to perhaps

four.  We will observe these candidates, and possibly provide guidance in the

selection of the final field, which we would propose to make our standard

for the DQO. (J.Higdon and colleagues from narrabri, R.Norris and R.Sault).



8.    Remote focus matters      - (DMcK)


The hardware is in place - the subreflector can be driven from the

control room, under manual control.  Computer control is not yet



-  R.Beresford's advice is solicited to determine to remaining difficulties

in going to computer control -- is it just a matter of calibration?


-  M.Kesteven will provide the focus curves, so that the cost (to

observers) of not focussing can be assessed.



9.    Web page - "New features/problems"


A request has been received for a web page which lists (briefly) new

information which may affect observers - new utilities (eg, reference

pointing), bugs (eg, the incorrect handling of non-J2000 epochs).

M.Kesteven will look after this.






      S-band poln         -  see Bob's reports in his home page :




The ATCA 13cm Polarimetric Response (Sault and Ehle), and

ATCA Off-axis Polarimetric Response (Sault).



      Tied-array   -  see note 2




----------------------------- Notes --------------------------------------


1.  Stored position precision  (From R.Sault, D.McKay)



Derek and I are happy that coordinate "precision" is not being lost in

SCHED/CAOBS (apart from rounding when loaded into CAOBS to the nearest

millisec of RA and 10 milliarcsec in DEC -- because of the CAOBS/CACOR

communication limitation). Unless there are more sublte bugs (the coordinates

for 0823 and 1934 are getting through OK), the problems that John raised

last year were fixed in November. The problem that Derek/Dave noted last

CA-forum are traceable back to a SCHED file that was almost certainly

produced before November.


We probably have to address whether the CAOBS/CACOR limitation

is worth fixing.




2.  Split Array


The position appears to be this:


-  control of the array (caobs) is probably able to manage several

sub-arrays... it was so tested several years ago.  I did hear that

there were LO conflicts, but I doubt that they are fundamental.


-  it is very likely that all the sub-arrays must share the

same intergation cycling.


-  VLBI now uses the delay units to convert from sampled data

to S2 format.  At present the delay unit does not support split

functions.  It is just conceivable that as long as both sub-arrays

are in the same mode (4-bit, narrow band) coexistance is

possible, but clearly unsatisfactory.


-  Warwick estimates that it will require several months of effort

from an Evan Davis-clone (ie, Warwick, at this stage) in order to

rework the delay unit.





Staff space