List of Special Characters

Latin Capital Letters

Character Unicode HTML LaTeX Description
À 192 À \`{A} A with accent grave
Á 193 Á \'{A} A with accent aigu
 194  \^{A} A with accent circonflexe
à 195 à \~{A} A with tilde
Ä 196 Ä \"{A} A umlaut
Å 197 Å \r{A} A with ring
Ç 199 Ç \c{C} C cédille
Č 268 \v{C} C with háček
È 200 È \`{E} E with accent grave
É 201 É \'{E} E with accent aigu
Ê 202 Ê \^{E} E with accent circonflexe
Ë 203 Ë \"{E} E with tréma
Ì 204 Ì \`{I} I with accent grave
Í 205 Í \'{I} I with accent aigu
Î 206 Í \^{I} I with accent circonflexe
Ï 207 Ï \"{I} I with tréma
Ð 208 Ð \DH{} Eth
Ñ 209 Ñ \~{N} N with tilde
Ò 210 Ò \`{O} O with accent grave
Ó 211 Ó \'{O} O with accent aigu
Ô 212 Ô \^{O} O with accent circonflexe
Õ 213 Õ \~{O} O with tilde
Ö 214 Ö \"{O} O umlaut
Ø 216 Ø \O{} Scandinavian Ø
Š 352 Š \v{S} S with háček
Ù 217 Ù \`{U} U with accent grave
Ú 218 Ú \'{U} U with accent aigu
Û 219 Û \^{U} U with accent circonflexe
Ü 220 Ü \"{U} U umlaut
Ý 221 Ý \'{Y} Y with accent aigu
Ÿ 376 Ÿ \"{Y} Y with tréma
Þ 222 Þ \TH{} Thorn

Latin Capital Ligatures

Character Unicode HTML LaTeX Description
Æ 198 Æ \AE{} Ligature A + E
Œ 338 Œ \OE{} Ligature O + E
Staff space