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Timing and Imaging of compact sources with SKA pathfinders and precursors

Timing & Imaging


Kerastari, Tripolis, Greece


12 - 18 June 2023


Co-sponsored by:


Municipality of Tripolis


Workshop photos & videos.
Best Group Photo.
Videos are from the official opening of the workshop
Photos contributed by John Reynolds, our "official" photographer.
Participants are invited to share their favourite photos.
Added 7-Oct-2023: Spiros Tzioumis photos of workshop & videos of dancing.


Some Workshop presentations. More submissions are welcome.



The FINAL programme of the meeting is now available.
A mobile-friendly version of the FINAL programme of the meeting is also available.
Minor changes to the programme may be still possible. Please notify the SOC/LOC.


The DRAFT programme of the meeting is now available for comment.
NB: Talks on programme ONLY from registered participants up to now.
There are still slots available for talks. Please register and notify the SOC/LOC.


** There may be a shortage of rooms in Tripolis in June!!
I urge all participants to complete their hotel bookings ASAP!!
If issues please get in touch with LOC quickly.

** Pre-registration is now CLOSED!

Thank you very much to all who pre-registered! It was of great help in shaping the program of the workshop and assuring the SOC/LOC that there was sufficient interest in our community for a workshop on this theme.

** Registration is now OPEN!! Contributions to this workshop are invited. Please:
1. Register
2. Submit an Abstract
3. Pay fees

Note: ** Pre-registration abstracts have been automatically transferred to the abstracts list.
If you wish to change your abstract at any time please re-submit and email the workshop LOC, to delete the old one.

Rationale (Greek version)

About every 5 years in the village of Kerastari in the ancient region of Arcadia in Greece experts in radio astronomy from all around the world meet to discuss their latest scientific discoveries and astronomical techniques.
See previous workshops in 2002, 2007, 2012, 2017.

The next workshop to be held in person in Kerastari was proposed for June 2022 but was postponed to 2023 due to covid-19 issues.
The June 2023 workshop will address the topic:

Timing and Imaging of compact sources with SKA pathfinders and precursors

The rationale for the topic is to discuss the cross-section between themes of research on compact sources, the ever more sensitive telescopes we are using to study them, and the new techniques to obtain data of the highest quality. Construction of phase 1 of the Square Kilometre Array has begun in earnest. The meeting brings together experts in Pulsars, Fast Radio Bursts, and other astrophysical transients, to discuss new results from the world's leading telescopes leading up to SKA, such as MeerKAT, ASKAP, LOFAR, CHIME, VLA and others, and addressing the importance of multi-messenger astrophysics. We will also concentrate on emerging techniques for timing and high time-resolution imaging, discuss new and promising algorithms for extracting information from the data, and address observing strategies with modern telescopes.

Initial details for the next workshop in 2023 are given in the accompanying First announcement.

Themes/Topics (Greek version)


* New results in FRBs

* Individual neutron stars and neutron star systems

* Black hole systems

* Current and Future compact object surveys

* Advances in radio scintillometry

* Timing and imaging techniques and instrumentation


TBC from Registration list.

Important Dates - preliminary

December 2022 1st announcement and pre-registrations begin.
March 2023 Final arrangements. 2nd announcement.
1 April 2023 Registration and abstract submission open.
End April 2023 Requests for financial assistance close.
May 15, 2023 Abstract submission deadline (preliminary program)
May 30, 2023 Registration closes.
June 12, 2023 Arrival; registration; reception.
June 13-16, 2023 WORKSHOP
June 17, 2023 Post-workshop excursions; Party.
June 18, 2023 Departures.

Block Workshop Schedule

Monday 2023 June 12 Arrival. Registration and informal reception in Tripolis, ~6-9pm.
Tuesday & Wednesday 2023 June 13-14 Full workshop days
Thursday 2023 June 15 Half day workshop; Local excursions; Conference dinner in the village
Friday 2023 June 16 Last full day of workshop
Saturday 2023 June 17 Full-day excursion(s). Venues TBD depending on demand
Saturday 2023 June 17 Party in Kerastari, hosted by Tasso Tzioumis.

Workshop Location and Venue

The meeting will be held in the Peloponese region of Greece, in the village of Arcadia (close to the town of Tripolis). Time will be scheduled for discussion and interaction, as well as relaxation. The workshop will end with a large party involving the whole village and much of the district..

Participation at the workshop will be limited to ~80 people due to the size of the venue. As a result some selection may be necessary. Naturally, preference will be given to participants with contributions accepted by the SOC.

Thanks to all the people who pre-registered. Full Registration and Abstract submission are now open.

Further details including Maps and Photos are available here.

Workshop fees, payments and assistance

To cover the workshop expenses the registration fee will be E400 (==AUD650), reduced to E200 (==$AUD325) for those eligible for concession (e.g.students and retirees). It covers the reception, light breakfast, lunch and coffee/tea every workshop day, the conference dinner, daily bus transport and any publication expenses.

As the workshop is mainly self-funding with limited sponsorship, ALL participants are expected to pay registration, including invited speakers and LOC and SOC members.

In exceptional circumstances, some limited financial support may be possible. Please email directly to the workshop LOC.

** As in previous workshops, the LOC/SOC are exploring sponsorship options which may allow more financial support.
** We have limited financial support from the Breakthrough Listen project to support early career researchers in relevant fields. Please contact the worskshop SOC

** Payments for registration in Euro can be made in CASH during registration at the workshop. There are many ATMs in town.
Credit card payments cannot be accepted at the workshop.

** Online electronic payments via Mastercard or Visa credit cards are possible in Australian Dollars (AUD) only, available by the CSIRO Payment portal.

(If anyone needs help please email the worskshop LOC and we'll try our best).

Accommodation costs are not included and must be paid directly to the hotels by the participants. Links to details on hotels and transportation are included in these webpages.

If an official invitation is needed for visa or other purposes, again email the workshop LOC.

Keith Bannister (CSIRO Australia)
Manisha Caleb (Sydney University, Australia)
Laura Driessen (CSIRO, Australia)
Aris Karastergiou (Oxford, UK) --Chair
Sara Motta (INAF, Italy)
Cherry Ng (Dunlap Institute, Canada, Rhodes and North-West University, South Africa)
Lilia Tremou (NRAO, USA)
Tasso Tzioumis (CSIRO, Australia)
Patrick Woudt (UCT, South Aftrica)

Nectaria Gizani (Greece)
Panagiota Tzioumi (Greece)
Tasso Tzioumis (Australia) -- Chair

External Links


Internal Links



For more information email to: Tasso Tzioumis