Below are documents relevant to ATUC.
For presentations and reports at specific ATUC meetings refer to the pages for individual ATUC meeting pages on the ATUC page.
- ATNF of the Future Working Group 2 Report – Future developments and opportunities in broad-EM and multi-messenger astronomy (March 2023)
- Initial Draft Parkes Future Science Case: 2020 Onwards (June 2020)
- Updated Draft Parkes Future Science Case: 2020 Onwards (October 2020)
- Parkes Future Science Case: 2020 Onwards (May 2021)
- ATCA Future Science Case: 2020 Onwards (May 2020)
- ATCA Future Science Plan (May 2016)
- Observing Support at the SOC (Nov 2014)
- CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive: Requirements and Use Cases (Oct 2013)
- Parkes Ultrawide receiver proposal (Jun 2013)
- Proposed ASKAP configs (May 2013)
- ASKAP early science plan (May 2013)
- Parkes Instrumentation Options (Feb 2012)
- ATNF operations changes (Oct 2011)
- ASKAP project update (Oct 2011)
- ASKAP Operation plans (Oct 2011)
- Mopra statistics (Oct 2011)
- Proposed changes to the TAC process
- L/S and C/X options for ATCA
- ATNF Science Priorities
- ATNF future operations
- Millimetre White Paper
- Miriad Review June 2006