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RE: Temperature monitoring in the FPA

From: <David.Deboer_at_email.protected>
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2008 15:44:54 +1100

Thanks for the update - and I hope that Chris is starting to feel better.

This will certainly help us understand the issues as we go into the hot season!


From: owner-parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam--> [mailto:owner-parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam-->] On Behalf Of Ng, Alan (ATNF, Marsfield)
Sent: Monday, 27 October 2008 2:16 PM
To: Brothers, Michael (ICT Centre, Marsfield); parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam-->
Subject: RE: Temperature monitoring in the FPA

Hello all,

Thanks once again for a job well done ....


Alan Ng
Engineering Project Manager
Digital Systems and Computing
Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP)

Australia Telescope National Facility
Cnr Vimiera and Pembroke Roads
Marsfield NSW 2122
PO Box 76
Epping NSW 1710

Phone: 02 9372 4631
Mobile: 04 5825 0263
Fax: 02 9372 4450
Email: <blocked::mailto:Alan.Ng_at_csiro.<!--nospam-->au> Alan.Ng_at_csiro.<!--nospam-->au<mailto:Alan.Ng_at_csiro.<!--nospam-->au>

From: owner-parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam--> [mailto:owner-parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam-->] On Behalf Of Brothers, Michael (ICT Centre, Marsfield)
Sent: Monday, 27 October 2008 10:35 AM
To: parkestestbed_at_atnf.<!--nospam-->
Subject: Temperature monitoring in the FPA
Hi all
Last week Chris Cantrall and I went to PARKES to install a second Rabbit monitoring system to monitor temperatures in the FPA.
Following is the log of progress related to the FPA Rabbit and temperature sensors installation.

Wednesday AM: Brett Preiseg and Co became familiar with the smaller EWP from Coates Hire, an unwell Chris and I arrived at lunchtime.
Wednesday PM: Wind speeds stopped any work with the EWP for the rest of the day, RFI testing by Mal Smith of the FPA Rabbit showing a pretty low level leakage when the FPA Rabbit operated in its High Power mode, no detectable leakage in low power mode

Thursday: Brett Preiseg and Tom Lees spend many hours running in a new POF cable for the FPA Rabbit, without these guys help we would not have been able to do any FPA monitoring. A still unwell Chris fixed up the Pedestal rack while I made a Temperature cable harness for the FPA and did some Rabbit communications testing in the Pedestal, and with David Brodrick and Euan Troup at Narrabri.

Friday: Brett and Tom finished the cable run (the smaller EWP needs manual repositioning on the ground), Tom assisted Chris in mounting the Rabbit and its temperature sensors harness in the FPA.

We finished what we could at 5:30 pm Friday, Brett drive the EWP away to Coates (booked out for another customer on the weekend) and we departed for Sydney, Chris still not well.

With MoniCA we can now remotely monitor 5 temperature sensor points in the FPA.

Michael Brothers
Wireless Technologies Laboratory
CSIRO ICT Centre - Innovative ICT transforming Australian Industries
PO Box 76 Epping NSW 1710
Cnr Vimiera and Pembroke roads Marsfield
NSW 2122 Australia
T : +61 2 9372 4396
F: +61 2 9372 4490<>
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Received on 2008-10-27 15:45:23