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7th LBA antenna aquired

From: <Chris.Phillips_at_email.protected>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 17:04:47 +1100 (EST)

Hi All,

Steve, Adam and I have today vastly improved the LBA potential uv coverage
with the acquisition of a seventh antenna. This is sure to improve the
potential science we can derive with the LBA. The new 22m equivalent
antenna has been made available at zero cost leveraging on previous ATNF
developments. The new "Wee Waa" antenna will use an abbreviated name

Fringes between the ATCA & Wee Waa and Wee Waa & Mopra can be seen at

This was done using CATIE to tie the central ATCA antennas in IF#1 and
tying CA06 by itself on IF#2. The "Huygens" cable was then used to record
data from two DAS onto the MRO disk recorders at 512 Mbps. We then used
the fringe checking software in "advanced mode" to grab some of the data
and correlate it.

Let us know if you can think of any use for this!

Chris, Steve and Adam
Received on 2005-03-13 17:05:09