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Re: Fringes for vt02d3

From: <John.Reynolds_at_email.protected>
Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 05:26:28 +1000 (EST)


>We have fringes from Hobart to Parkes and Mopra to Parkes. Can't see a
>fringe from Hobart to Mopra but this is likely due to the less sensitive
>baseline - the fringe was pretty weak from Mopra to Parkes anyway. We
>will try fringe-checking to the CA when this returns during V173c.

'Weak fringes' in a single-polarization experiment are always a slight
worry! Did you search the 'cross-hand' product Parkes-Mopra?

I'm very confident we have the polarization the right way around here (LCP
first). When the ATCA comes online that should prove it.

(CATIE needs to be set to;


to put LCP first, which is the reverse of the default).

John R
Received on 2005-05-15 05:26:48