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Hyunwoo Kang (KASI)

Hyunwoo Kang Colloquium: SKA Korea, Now and with AUS

The Australia Telescope National Facility Colloquium
15:00-16:00 Wed 24 Aug 2022



Patiently, SKA Korea is trying to join SKAO, next generation of radio astronomy. SKA Korea is organised by various scientists, and has worked many activities. From experiences of Korea radio telescope system, there are some prepared engineering groups to work together building the future system. As cooperation way with Australia, SRC activities, contributions related with SKA-Low construction, and Phased Array system will be good candidates. As a small, but big step, one Korean is sent as a liaison in Australia.
Another small talk is prepared to make you understand Korea well. (If possible,) there are three movies in English, too. Enjoy them, please.


Nikhel Gupta

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