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ATNF Telescope Applications for 2006 OCTS

Applications for observing time are now invited for the 2006 OCTS semester for the following telescopes:

Australia Telescope Compact Array
Parkes radio telescope
Mopra radio telescope
Tidbinbilla 70-m antenna
VLBI observations

The CLOSING DATE for applications is 15 June 2006 for a 6-month observing term from 01 October 2006 to 31 March 2007. Applications must arrive no later than 23:59 on 15 June 2006, Australian Eastern Standard Time (equivalent to 13:59 UT).

All applications MUST be submitted using the new ATNF proposal application system, OPAL.

For any enquiries contact (or contact
For further information please see the link below.

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Added by Jessica Chapman on 2006-05-17

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