New ATNF pulsar catalogue released

The pulsar group at ATNF has just released a new pulsar catalogue. This catalogue, which is designed to be of use to both pulsar experts and more general users, currently contains the main observational parameters for 1,300 pulsars. A new web interface (Figure 1) allows interrogation of the catalogue, with both tabular and graphical outputs. For the expert user, the catalogue can also be accessed directly from Linux and Unix systems.

Figure 1: The ATNF pulsar catalogue web interface.

Data can be selected in various ways, either by pulsar name (with wildcards), by logical conditions on parameter expressions or by distance from a nominated position. Several forms of tabular output are available, giving lists of nominated parameters with varying amounts of information or complete listings for a particular pulsar. Custom variables can be created from parameter expressions and either listed or plotted. Both X-Y plots and histograms are supported, with zoom facilities and the ability to list pulsars within a given area or to identify a particular pulsar on the plot (Figure 2).

Figure 2: An example of an x-y plot showing an identified pulsar.

The catalogue is based on one, that has been maintained and developed for over 30 years by various members of the pulsar community. With help from Maryam Hobbs, we have undertaken an extensive search of the recent pulsar literature to bring the database up to date. The catalogue includes information on Anomalous X-ray Pulsars (AXPs) as well as spin-powered pulsars. The web interface was designed and constructed by Albert Teoh, a Summer Vacation Scholar at the ATNF this past summer.

The catalogue may be accessed at We encourage you to try it out and send us your comments.

Dick Manchester and George Hobbs
