
Welcome to the June 2003 issue of the ATNF Newsletter.

We are happy to bring together a set of exciting and inspiring articles and news reports in this issue. There are articles covering recent observational results using nearly all the ATNF's radio telescopes. The Federation Fellowship awarded to ATNF's Dr Dick Manchester is covered on page 3. The much awaited and newly installed antenna control computers for the Compact Array are described on page 8 for the general user. A delightful item by a participant at the recently held synthesis imaging workshop should inspire all students!

This issue has been put together in time for the Sydney IAU General Assembly and we are printing extra copies for the occasion. We hope you enjoy the newsletter. As always we will be very pleased to receive your contributions for the coming issues.

Lakshmi Saripalli, Jessica Chapman, Jo Houldsworth
ATNF News Production Team

