Figure 2 - Supernova search coverage map. This diagram is a map of the entire search-space, showing when and how efficiently, supernovae were detectable in each of the galaxies covered in the search. There is one horizontal row per galaxy, arranged in RA order from top to bottom. The horizontal axis represents time, one pixel per day over the three years analysed here.

The color of each pixel is used to show which types of supernovae could have been detected by the search, had they occured in that galaxy on that date. A black pixel represents the date on which a search image was taken of that galaxy, and the band of color stretching off to the left of each black pixel shows how much earlier a supernova could have occured in the galaxy to be detected in that image. White pixels are days on which any supernovae occuring in that galaxy would have gone undetected, becuase they would have faded below the detection limit before the next search image.

