Gemini & SKA MNRF Symposium 2005

Marsfield Lecture Theatre
June 7, 2005


Time Speaker Title
09:30-09:35 Martin Cole (Chair, AABoM) Welcome
09:35-09:50 Lister Staveley-Smith (CSIRO) MNRF Overview
Gemini (Chair: Penny Sackett)
09:50-10:10 Warrick Couch (UNSW) Gemini: Local Activities and International Developments.
10:10-10:30 Matthew Colless (AAO) Australia's Path to a Giant Telescope
10:30-10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:10 Ken Freeman (RSAA) The Outermost Regions of Galactic Disks
11:10-11:40 Sam Barden (AAO) WFMOS, a wide-field, fibre-fed, multi-object spectrograph for the Gemini/Subaru observatories.
11:40-12:10 Peter McGregor (RSAA) NIFS and GSAOI: Confronting the simulations with reality.
12:10-12:30 Randall Wayth (Univ. Melbourne) Measuring the properties of QSO broad-line regions with the GMOS Integral Field Unit.
12:30-13:45 Lunch (provided by ATNF)
SKA (Chair: Ron Ekers)
13:45-14:15 Brian Boyle (ATNF) SKA pathway and science objectives
14:15-14:45 Anne Green (Univ.of Sydney) The SKA Molonglo Prototype (SKAMP) Project
14:45-15:15 Steven Tingay (Swinburne) Baseband Processing and SKA Simulations using Supercomputers - enhancing Australia'a radio astronomy facilities and its bid for the SKA.
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-15:40 Ron Beresford (ATNF) Radio Frequency Interference Measurements at Australia's candidate SKA site - Mileura Station, WA.
15:40-16:00 Simon Johnston (ATNF) Configurations for the Australian SKA Site Bid
16:00-16:30 Warwick Wilson (ATNF) The Compact Array Broadband Backend and MMIC projects
16:30-17:00 Colin Jacka (ICT) & John O'Sullivan (ATNF) Focal Plane Arrays for the New Technology Demonstrator

* To be confirmed
