CASS Summer Vacation Program Participants 2010/2011

Photo Student Supervisor/s Location Project Title
Rian Finnegan Rian Finnegan Ryan Shannon Marsfield Revealing the origin of the brightest pulses in the Universe
Jeffrey Hodgson Jeffrey Hodgson Bjorn Emonts and Ilana Feain Marsfield Black-hole feedback in powerful radio galaxies
Suzanne Knight Suzanne Knight Shane O'Sullivan Marsfield Probing magnetic fields in the relativistic jets of active galaxies
Emma Lindley Emma Lindley Ilana Feain and Bjorn Emonts Marsfield A detailed look into super massive black holes
Alex Mathews Alexander Mathews George Hobbs and Rob Hollow Marsfield Taking the PULSE@Parkes project towards the next generation telescopes
Ricky Neil Ricky Neil Mike Keith & George Hobbs Marsfield
Discovering radio pulsars and other unusual objects in the Parkes 70cm survey
Glen Rees Glen Rees Shari Breen, Lisa Harvey-Smith and James Green Marsfield
A new stellar fountain of water maser emission
Nicle Sabatino Nicole Sabatino Chris Hollingdrake and Rob Hollow Parkes Presentation and school group program development for astronomy outreach
Rishi Verma Maxim Voronkov Marsfield Star formation in the W33 complex
Tye Young Tye Young James Green and Shinji Horiuchi Marsfield Mapping interstellar molecular emission lines with the Tidbinbilla 70m radio telescope

(First named supervisor is your Staff Supervisor)
