ATNF distinguished visitors

Robert Braun (on behalf of the Distinguished Visitors Committee)

Two long-term visitors are approaching the end of their productive stays at the ATNF: Andrea Lommen (Franklin & Marshall College, USA), at the end of June 2007, and Ger van Diepen (ASTRON, the Netherlands), at the end of August 2007. Several short-term visitors have been with us in the past months. Andrei Sobolev (Ural State University, Russia) and Georgij Rudnitskij (Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Russia), visited in conjunction with IAU Symposium 242, the astrophysical masers meeting held in Alice Springs in March. Martin Cohen (Berkeley, USA) visited in April and will return in August 2007.

Several other visitors will be joining us in the coming months. Igor Karachentsev (Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia) will visit in conjunction with the Galaxies in the Local Volume conference in July 2007. Ralf-Jürgen Dettmar (Bochum University, Germany) will join us in August 2007. Later this year Phil Kronberg (Los Alamos National Laboratory/University of Toronto) will be visiting the ATNF and the University of Sydney for three months from September 2007 and again for three months in 2008.

Details of the ATNF visitor program can be found at the URL

Visits are partially funded by the Distinguished Visitors and the Federation Fellows programs.
