Distinguished visitors to the ATNF

We've had our usual healthy number of visitors in the middle of the year making use of the northern hemisphere summer vacation period. However, even more visitors will arrive at the end of the year, always a busy time at the ATNF and even more so this year with a couple of low-frequency meetings at the Universities of Sydney and Tasmania.

Our recent visitors have included Don Backer (Berkeley), Tam Helfer (Berkeley), Busaba Hutawarakorn Kramer (NECTC, Thailand), Michael Kramer (JBO), John Lugten (Berkeley), John Storey (UNSW), Juan Uson (NRAO) and Joel Weisberg (Carleton).

Confirmed future visitors include Katherine Blundell (Oxford), Jayaram Chengalur (NCRA), Jim Cohen (JBO), Ralf-Juergen Dettmar (Bochum), Nissim Kanekar (NRAO), Ken Kellerman (NRAO), Yuri Kovalev (NRAO), Karl-Heinz Mack (Bologna), Padelis Papadopoulos (ETH, Zurich), Mary Putman (UMich), Mal Ruderman (Columbia), Nathan Smith (Colorado) and Bob Williams (STScI).

Details on our Visitor program can be found at

www.atnf.csiro.au/people/distinguished_visitors.html .

Visitors are funded by the ATNF DV program and the two ATNF Federation Fellowship programs.

