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ASKAP Early Science Workshop 2013

Monday August 5th 2013
CSIRO Marsfield Lecture Theatre
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Videoconference Available

ASKAP early science is a program of observations designed to explore new scientific parameter-space with ASKAP before the construction of the array is complete. The early science program will consist of a series of science-focused observations, carried out by the ASKAP commissioning and early science team.

Community consultation on the scope of ASKAP early science is now taking place.

An all-day workshop on ASKAP Early Science will take place on 5 August 2013 between 9.30am and 4.30pm at the Marsfield headquarters of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science. This workshop will provide a forum for astronomy community input into the ASKAP early science program.

For full details, please go to the workshop webpage under 'more information' below.

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Added by Lisa Harvey-Smith on 2013-07-09

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