HI Supergiant Shells in the Large Magellanic Cloud

S. Kim , L. Staveley-Smith , R.J. Sault , M.J. Kesteven , D. McConnell , M.A. Dopita , M. Bessell, PASA, 15 (1), 132
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Next Section: H Observations and Data
Title/Abstract Page: HI Supergiant Shells in
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 1

HI Observations and Data Reduction

The LMC was observed using four configurations of the ATCA in: 1994 October 26 - November 9 (750D); 1995 February 23 - March 11 (750A); 1995 June 2 - 7 and 1995 October 15 - 31 (750B); and 1996 January 27 - February 8 (750C). The combined configuration has 40 independent baselines ranging from 30 to 750 m, with a baseline increment of 15.3 m. This results in an angular resolution of 1.'0 for the data presented here. The largest scale structure that the present image is sensitive to is tex2html_wrap_inline150. The bandwidth used was 4 MHz, divided into 1024 channels (400 channels after the on-line application of Hanning smoothing and edge rejection). The observing band was centred on 1.419 GHz, corresponding to a central heliocentric velocity of 297 km tex2html_wrap_inline152, a velocity coverage of -33 to 627 km tex2html_wrap_inline152, and a velocity resolution of 1.65 km tex2html_wrap_inline152.

The LMC was divided into 12 regions, each containing 112 pointing centers. Each pointing center was observed for 15 s, and good uv-coverage was obtained by returning to each pointing center approximately 29 times during the course of a typical observing day of 15 h. Each observation consisted of alternate scans of 28 min on the LMC and 3 min on the secondary (phase and amplitude) calibrator PKS B0407-658 or PKS B0454-810. The primary ATCA calibrator, PKS B1934-638 (assumed flux density 14.9 Jy at 1.419 GHz), was observed at the start of each observing day. These observations served both for bandpass calibration and flux density calibration.

The data were edited, calibrated and mosaiced in MIRIAD. The pixel size is 20'' and the size of the LMC cube is 1998 tex2html_wrap_inline168 2230 tex2html_wrap_inline168 120. The u-v data were superuniformly weighted (Sramek and Schwab 1989) with an additional Gaussian taper, Fourier transformed and mosaiced in the image plane. The maximum entropy method was used to deconvolve this cube. The final cube was constructed by convolving the maximum entropy model with a Gaussian of FWHM 1tex2html_wrap_inline174. The final rms noise, measured in line-free parts of the final cube, is 9K.

Next Section: H Observations and Data
Title/Abstract Page: HI Supergiant Shells in
Previous Section: Introduction
Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 1

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