Propagation-induced circular polarization in synchrotron sources

Malcolm Kennett, Don Melrose, PASA, 15 (2), 211
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Next Section: Elliptically polarized natural modes
Title/Abstract Page: Propagation-induced circular polarization in
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Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 2

Generalized Faraday rotation

The polarization of radiation changes as it propagates through any birefringent medium. Birefringence implies that there are two natural wave modes which may be described by their polarizations, which are necessarily orthogonal to each other, and by tex2html_wrap_inline406, the difference in their wavenumbers. In a cold plasma the natural wave modes may be assumed circularly polarized for present purposes. The propagation effect is then Faraday rotation, which causes the plane of any linear polarization to rotate and which does not alter the degree of circular polarization. In a medium whose natural modes are linearly or elliptically polarized, the counterpart of Faraday rotation, which we refer to as ``generalized Faraday rotation'', can lead to a partial conversion of linear into circular polarization. Such conversion is the basis for the alternative mechanism for the production of circular polarization discussed in this paper.

Arbitrarily polarized radiation may be separated into an unpolarized component and a completely polarized component. In general the polarized component is elliptical, as illustrated in Figure 1. The directions tex2html_wrap_inline408 and tex2html_wrap_inline410 in Figure 1 define the major and minor axes of the polarization ellipse. An arbitrary elliptical polarization can be represented by a point, P, on the Poincaré sphere, as illustrated in Figure 2. The north and south pole correspond to opposite circular polarizations, and points on the equator separated by tex2html_wrap_inline414 correspond to orthogonal linear polarizations, as indicated in Figure 2a. The cartesian components of the point P are related to the Stokes parameters, I, Q, U, V, through tex2html_wrap_inline426, tex2html_wrap_inline428, tex2html_wrap_inline430, which also define the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline432 and tex2html_wrap_inline434, as illustrated in Figure 2b. Faraday rotation corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline432 changing at constant tex2html_wrap_inline434. Partial conversion of linear into circular polarization is possible through any process that causes tex2html_wrap_inline434 to change.

Figure: (a) The Poincaré sphere, with the circular polarizations indicated at the poles and the linear polarizations at the equator; (b) the parameters tex2html_wrap_inline432, tex2html_wrap_inline434, q, u, v for an arbitrary point P on the sphere.

The natural wave modes of the medium are orthogonally polarized and hence they correspond to points at the opposite ends of a diagonal through the center of the Poincaré sphere. This diagonal defines an axis that is characteristic of the natural modes of the medium. Generalized Faraday rotation causes the point P to rotate at constant latitude relative to the axis defined by the natural modes of the medium. Faraday rotation, as usually defined, corresponds to circularly polarized natural modes, and then the axis about which this rotation occurs is the vertical axis. This causes the angle tex2html_wrap_inline432 in Figure 1 to rotate at a rate tex2html_wrap_inline458 per unit distance, s, along the ray path. Generalized Faraday rotation corresponds to modes with elliptical or linear polarizations, and then (provided the point P is not at one or other end of the axis defined by the two modes) the parameter tex2html_wrap_inline434 also changes periodically along the ray path, implying a cyclic partial conversion of linear into circular polarization.

The transfer equation for the Stokes parameters due to generalized Faraday rotation is of the form (e.g., Melrose & McPhedran 1991, p. 188)

where s denotes distance along the ray path, and where T is the axial ratio of the polarization ellipse of one of the modes. (Interchange of the modes corresponds to tex2html_wrap_inline470, tex2html_wrap_inline472.)

The case where the natural modes are linearly polarized (tex2html_wrap_inline474 or T=0), as in a uniaxial crystal, is familiar in another context: a quarter-wave plate. For linearly polarized modes the axis defined by the two modes is in the equatorial plane of the Poincaré sphere. If the polarization point is initially on the equator at a longitude tex2html_wrap_inline478 to this axis, then generalized Faraday rotation causes P to rotate about a great circle that passes through both the north and south poles. A quarter-wave plate uses this effect, with the thickness of the plate adjusted such that the rotation is through just tex2html_wrap_inline478 of this great circle, so that the initial linear polarization (at tex2html_wrap_inline484 to the planes of polarization of the two natural modes) is converted into circular polarization.

Figure 3: The representative point for radiation in an anisotropic medium rotates about the diagonal joining the points for the two natural modes.

An example of a more general case is illustrated in Figure 3 where the natural modes are highly elliptical (tex2html_wrap_inline486) and a sample polarization point moves around the solid path, which is a circle at constant latitude relative to the axis shown by the solid arrow directed radially from the center of the sphere. It is apparent from this example that if the wave modes are elliptical or linear, then radiation that is initially linearly polarized develops a circularly polarized component as the polarization changes in a periodic manner along the ray path (e.g., Pacholczyk & Swihart 1970). The wave modes of a cold plasma are significantly elliptically polarized for a very small range of angles (tex2html_wrap_inline488) about propagation perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field. However, a more likely cause of significant elliptical polarization of the natural modes is the relativistic electrons themselves.

Next Section: Elliptically polarized natural modes
Title/Abstract Page: Propagation-induced circular polarization in
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Contents Page: Volume 15, Number 2

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