Millimetre Workshop Program

Monday, 8 December 2003
ATNF Marsfield Lecture Theatre

Intro Session (chair: Steve Longmore)
09:00-09:10 Welcome (Tony Wong)
09:10-09:35 3mm Observing with ATCA (Tony Wong)
09:35-10:00 3mm Observing with Mopra (Stuart Robertson)
10:00-10:30 Star Formation with mm-wave Telescopes (Michael Burton)

Coffee break

Science Reports I (chair: Michael Burton)

11:00-11:20 Mid-IR spectroscopy of dusty disks (Chris Wright)
11:20-11:35 Long-lived Disks in Pre-main sequence Stars: Eta Chamaeleonis cluster (A-ran Lyo)
11:35-11:55 Sagittarius B2: ATCA 3mm observations (Paul Jones)
11:55-12:20 Mopra Survey of Hot Molecular Cores (Cormac Purcell)
12:20-12:30 ATCA observations of Galactic water masers (Jim Caswell)

Lunch break

Science Reports II (chair: Tony Wong)

13:30-13:45 Continuum studies of massive star forming regions (Tracey Hill)
13:45-14:00 25 GHz and 6.7 GHz Methanol Masers in OMC-1 (Maxim Voronkov)
14:00-14:20 The Molecular Lords of the Rings in the Nucleus on NGC 4945 (Maria Cunningham)

Coffee break

Future Directions (chair: Juergen Ott)

14:50-15:15 What does it take to detect high-redshift CO emission with ATCA? (Ilana Klamer)
15:15-15:35 Mopra Key Science I: The Galactic Ring (Ned Ladd)
15:35-16:00 Mopra Key Science II: Cold Cores in Chamaeleon (Tony Wong)
16:00-16:20 Chemical Signatures of Massive Star Formation (Mark Wardle)
16:20-16:40 Australian Involvement in Sub-mm Telescopes (John Storey et al.)
16:40-17:00 Open Discussion

17:30: Drinks and Dinner at The Ranch Hotel, Epping & Herring Rds

Last update 8 Dec 2003

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