Entry Requirements

The requirements for entries are listed below. The actual submission for the Individual and Group categories are the same apart from the different Entry Forms that need to be filled in.

  1. Entries must be accompanied by a copy of the correct Entry Form downloaded from this website. All details on the form must be completed and the form must be signed by the student and school representative.
  2. Only entries received by the due date (15 August 2005) will be considered for the Prize. Late entries will not be accepted.
  3. Each entry must be submitted on a CD-Rom. It must contain the html files and all associated files including images within a single folder or directory. The main page for the entry must be labelled as index.html or index.htm.
  4. The files containing the submission must be viewable by common web browsers. Entries must avoid tags or markups that are only specific to one brand of browser. If in doubt, stick to standard html, xml or xhtml codes.
  5. Originality: The submitted work must be your original work and not copied from another web page or published material. If you wish to include quotes or images from other sites that must be properly acknowledged and referenced. Remember, material on the internet is subject to copyright laws.
  6. The organisers reserve the right to modify selected submissions before publishing them on the Australia Telescope Outreach and Education website. Such modification is intended to enhance the efficiency and ease of viewing on the site rather than substantially modifying content.
  7. Judging of entries will be a panel of astronomers and educators. Their decisions will be final with no correspondence entered into.
  8. The judging panel reserve the right to withhold awarding prizes if, in their opinion, no entry is of sufficient merit.
  9. One prize of a telescope and accessories will be offered to the winner of the Individual category. The exact specifications are subject to change but should be comparable to a 20 cm Dobsonian telescope in value. The winning entry in the Group Category will win a telescope and accessories for their school plus individual book prizes. Again, the exact specification is subject to change but the telescope will be of 20 cm Dobsonian class or similar value. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash from the awardees or suppliers.
  10. The winning entries will be published on the Australia Telescope Outreach and Education website. Other entries, at the discretion of the judges, may also be published. Entry in the competition implies your permission for publication.
  11. Entries will not be returned and remain the property of the Astronomical Society of Australia and CSIRO Australia Telescope National Facility.
  12. Entries must not use offensive, racist or obscene language, graphics, images or sounds.

Criteria for Judging

In judging your entry, the judges will look at how well you address the following questions.

  • Does the entry directly relate to the theme?
  • Is it well-written and is it likely to engage the audience?
  • Is it factually correct?
  • Does it demonstrate an understanding of the scientific principles involved?
  • Does it show evidence of research and include references to all sources used?
  • How well does it use the medium of the web to effectively convey ideas and concepts?
  • Does it use graphics, images, photos and/or diagrams to support the written material?
  • Does it display creativity or imagination in tackling the theme?
  • Is it your own original work?
  • Are sources of information and images properly acknowledged?

Further Information

Should you require any more information about the Charlene Heisler Prize or entries please contact:

Robert Hollow
ATNF Education Officer

phone (02) 9372 4247
fax: (02) 9272 444

